Groomer Spotlight: Brianna Davis of Loyal Companion
Groomers around the world inspire us. Their passion for pets and business consistently set the bar for the industry, which is why we'll be featuring stories from groomers like you in our monthly Barkmails. This month, we caught up with groomer Brianna Davis, dog groomer at Loyal Companion in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
GC: Tell us your grooming story.
BD: I landed in grooming after having exhausted most other positions at PetSmart. I always knew my passion was pet care and it had to be as hands-on as possible. I started as a cashier, was promoted into leadership and five years later, I fell into grooming and haven’t looked back since.
GC: What interested you about becoming a dog groomer?
BD: I’ve always wanted to work with animals, but for a long time I thought that only meant being a veterinarian. When I applied at PetSmart, it was my first job out of high school, and that’s when I realized how big the pet industry was.
At first, I didn’t think I’d be fit for dog grooming, so I avoided the option. I thought my calling was for leadership and education. In a way I was right, just started off with the wrong subject.
When I finally got into grooming, what interested me was that I hadn’t tried it yet, and I was eager to learn more ways to care for pets. It took one bath to realize what I’d been avoiding was what I’d been missing the entire time.
GC: What is your favorite thing about being a groomer?
BD: Having the opportunity to educate others, solve problems and network with likeminded people on maintaining and increasing the standard for pet care.
GC: Do you have a favorite breed to groom? If so, why are they your favorite?
BD: I love Soft Coated Wheatens. Absolutely love my Wheaties. 😍 They’re often misunderstood. I love their personalities and their colors.
GC: What is the best grooming advice you’ve received?
BD: The bad days are going to make you question every decision you’ve ever made, but the good days will ground you and remind you why you love and do it.
GC: What would you say to someone interested in becoming a groomer?
BD: Don’t be intimidated because it’s new and there’s so much to learn, be enthused and excited because there’s so much to learn and all the time you need to learn to do it.
GC: Why do you choose to shop with Groomer’s Choice?
BD: Groomer’s Choice has always had what I needed, for great prices. I also love Groomer’s Choice’s involvement with furthering education for groomers.
GC: Anything else you want to add?
BD: Tell your fellow pet professionals how much you love and appreciate them. You never know what battle they’re fighting. RIP Vanessa Gutierrez. 💕
Keep up with Brianna on Instagram.
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