Groomer Spotlight: Jazmin Negrete and A Brand New Dog
Pictured Above: Jazmin Negrete, owner of A Brand New Dog in Glendora, California.
Groomers around the world inspire us. Their passion for pets and business consistently set the bar for the industry, which is why we'll be featuring stories from groomers like you. This month, we caught up with groomer Jazmin Negrete and A Brand New Dog in Glendora, California.
Jazmin started her grooming career in 2004 as a way to help pay for college. After working 11 years in corporate grooming, she opened her own mobile grooming business, A Brand New Dog, in April 2015.
GC: Tell us about A Brand New Dog.
JN: After having been in the industry for many years, most of the dogs we groomed were getting old, and I was forced to stop grooming them, either because they couldn't stand anymore or a veterinarian advised against them getting a rabies shot. Both of those were not allowed in the salon I was working at, and it was truly heartbreaking. So, I ventured off on my own and decided to make my own rules.
I currently own one grooming trailer, and it's myself and my amazingly, supportive husband, Martin. With COVID, it's not possible for me to safely distance myself from an employee in the grooming trailer, but I definitely see myself hiring groomers as soon as it's safe to do so.
GC: How many dogs do you groom per day?
JN: I rarely groom more than six dogs a day. If I do, it's because they are baths only or short haired breeds. I spent so many years churning out dogs that my focus has shifted to quality instead of quantity.

GC: What do you believe are the benefits of mobile grooming, both as a groomer and as a customer?
JN: First and foremost, the benefit is convenience, because we bring an entire salon to your front door. As a customer, you know your dog will get groomed right away instead of having to wait for their turn and allow their anxiety to build up. As a groomer, the benefit is truly getting to know my customers on a personal basis. For example, they knew when I got married and blessed me with gifts, and if they're expecting a child, they'll show me their nursery. It's such a wonderful relationship.
GC: What is your favorite part about your job?
JN: My favorite part is being on the road. I don't feel like I am cooped up inside all day. I can open all my windows and doors, and it feels amazing.
GC: What is the best piece of grooming advice you’ve received?
JN: Aside from being told to never expect a dog to stand still like a statue, the best advice was to know to take a break when a dog and me are just not on the same page. Sometimes a dog can seem naughty, but in reality, you just need to stop what you're doing and give yourself and the dog a small break. It's okay to walk away.
GC: What are your go-to products and/or tools?
JN: I can't live without Bark2Basics High Concentrate Shampoo. It's my everyday go to. And my clipper vac – I can never groom without one again.
GC: What would you say to someone interested in becoming a groomer?
JN: I would say eat well and exercise regularly. This job is wonderful, but it is extremely labor intensive.
GC: Anything else you want to add?
JN: Yes. Make friends with your local groomers. They are not necessarily out to get you or be your competition. When I first started, Rhonda from Scally Wags sent me so many amazing referrals who have become loyal clients, and when my trailer was out for repairs, Charidan of From Wags to Riches drove me around for a few days so I could keep working. She was amazing!
Keep up with Jazmin and A Brand New Dog on Facebook and Instagram.
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